May 25 – October 22, 1997
The Phoenix Foundation is grateful to our founding donors.
City Of Grand Forks
Grand Forks Credit Union
West Kootenay Power
Pope & Talbot LTD
Bill & Arlette Strookoff
Dave & Nancy Dale
Art & Vada Stavenjord
Dick & Irene Bartlett
Barry & Peggy Phillips
John & Colette Nilsen
Homer & Ina Good
CanPar Industries LTD
Boundary Sunshine Fund
Angus & Cathy Mason
Rotary Club of Grand Forks
Dawn DeVito & Peter Somerville
Peter Perepelkin (In memory of Keith Perepelkin)
Steve & Nina Babakaiff
Jim & Alice Glanville
Pharmasave #106
Lynne Burch
Jim Burch
Maxine Ruzicka
Boundary Industries LTD
Dave & Brenda Semenoff
Bill Uphill
Margeurite Rotvold
Boundary District Administration Assn
Florence Lazeroff
Gifts From The Heart
Ed & Nadia Tomashewsky
Katherine Kleman
Robert Ogloff
Veronica Williamson
Bob Forshaw
City Of Greenwood
Geri Ruzicka
Beverly O’Connell
Rob & Lee-Anne Klassen
Ted & Theresa Dergousoff
Donald Stavenjord
Carl & Margaret Zak
Chris & Gina Stavenjord
Paul Pankow
Betty Anne & Jock MacKay
Rob & Erin Stavenjord
Frank & Marg Koide
Betty Talarico